Hands-on learning




email: helen AT
DOT com



Helen Whitehead: writer, editor and elearning consultant

plus associates including:
Sharon Rundle, writer and tutor,
Liz Cable, e-learning consultant and writer


With over 20 years experince of writing and editing online we can offer:

  • commercial copywriting;
  • technical writing and editing;
  • writing for the web and digital media;
  • website design, development & maintenance;
  • developing content for elearning;
  • teaching and training in both digital and creative writing, online and face-to-face.


We specialise in:

  • creative elearning applications and websites;
  • instructional design;
  • online community facilitation;
  • user support;
  • writing content and documentation;
  • liaison between users and technical experts.

website development

We specialise in:

  • design of interactive websites that work for you;
  • easy to update your website with a named website manager who stays closely in touch with you;
  • creating a buzz around your website;
  • writing content and documentation;
  • special services for schools and educational organisations;
  • our portfolio includes: Kids on the Net, the eTeachers' Portal, Dragonsville, poet Alison Brackenbury's website.

About Helen Whitehead

I have experience with the National College for School Leadership, schools, Higher Education, lifelong learning, creative industries, arts & literature, and business and media training.

I have created websites and online learning materials, and developed and taught training courses in online facilitation, content development and writing for digital media.

online writing courses

As a former Manager of the trAce Online Writing School, I have many years of experience managing and teaching online writing courses. Sharon Rundle is a prize-winning writing tutor, also formerly of trAce. Courses are now offered in our own easy-to-use online learning space.

Next course:
Season of Inspiration
A 9-week entirely-online course attracting students from across the globe, using the seasons as inspiration for writing of all kinds and genres: experiment, enjoy, share, and develop writing skills.
19th Feb - 23rd April 2007

elearning associates

I am a member of the elearning associates group. Members have experience of a wide variety of elearning contexts and cover the whole of England.