An interactive love story based around a basket of groceries, September 2002
For Year of the Artist 2000-2001, a look at the convergence between the making of textiles and the making of the Web
Hyperfiction inspired by the Solstice, June 21st 2000
Exploration of the inspiration and frustrations associated with finding time for creativity. Summer 1999
A triangular-shaped hypertext representing one person's spiritual journey. Spring 1999
Hyperfiction exploring the themes of motherhood, justice, genetics and spirituality. Dissertation for MA in Writing at Nottingham Trent University, 1998
Hyperfiction based on the sandstone caves under Nottingham, for the Nottingham NOW Festival. October 1997
A hypertext story: a crucial event seen by seven people with very different viewpoints. 1997.
(As Editor) Writing by young writers aged 5-16 since 1997: includes Kids' Castle, Monster Motel, Dragonsville, Adventure Island. Additional volunteer editors and helpers welcome!